June 15, 2019
June 15, 2019Xavier College displayed an excellent Cadet pass out parade on Friday 14th June 2019 at the school ground. Parents, relatives and friends attended in large numbers to witness the immaculately dressed cadets.
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Penioni Naliva was the Chief Guest for the Parade. While addressing the students, he said that cadets were not meant to create soldiers out of student but to teach them to work as a team and also instill discipline within them.
“You must all grasp the fundamental basis of discipline taught by your instructors for it will go a long way. It will shape your life and enable you to achieve greater things in future. What we have witnessed here today is a good example of hard work, respect and teamwork, “said Lt Col Naliva.
The Chief Guest also thanked the cadets for the neat turn out and the splendid display of arms, foot drills and marching during the parade.
“To the Parade Commander, well done, to the members of the Police Band, vinaka vakalevu and to the instructors from Echo Company, well done on the parade. The parade that has shown to us our appreciation to what our sevens gladiators have done, thank you once again Xavier College, concluded Lt Col Naliva.’
Miss Jonelle Muller the MC for Xavier College made a special mention for the sevens gladiators. “The Chief Guest sir, Xavier College graced with your presence and is very proud to acknowledge the sevens gladiators since three of them Paula Dranisinukula, Aminiasi Tuimaba and Alusio Naduva directly fall under your command in the 3rd Battalion. Not to mention Ratu Meli Derenalagi in the Navy and Ba’s very own Waisea Nacuqu,”she said.
Lcpl Levani Tavaga, leading the Instructors from Echo Company said he thanked the Lord Almighty for his strength and guidance which enabled his men and him to carry out the mammoth task of preparing the students to conduct the parade.
He said that the assistance from the principal, the teachers and the discipline of the school itself really assisted them in the parade. After the march pass, all cadets through the beat of the drum formed up the words ‘FIJI 7s GLADIATORS VINA DU RIKI BOYS’.
It was indeed a superb display of precision timings and well calculated moves leaving the spectators to whistle and cheer out loud with thundering claps. After that Year thirteen students marched pass the parade (eyes right) while all students on parade saluted them.
The occasion concluded with the lowering of the flags followed by a traditional ceremony of welcome, garlanding and the presentation of gift to the Chief Guest. All students’ morale were high and all those that attended enjoyed such a remarkably crafted pass out parade.