DSSC Visitβs War Memorial
August 15, 2019
August 24, 2019The Defence Strategic Studies Course (DSSC) class from the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies (CDSS) in Canberra paid a courtesy visit to the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Strategic Headquarters (SHQ) on Thursday 15th August, 2019.
The DSSC class led by the School Commandant Air Commodore Matt Hegarty, He was received by Deputy Commander, Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Aziz Mohammed and was accorded a Quarter Guard by members of the Third Fiji Infantry Regiment guards.
Later the DSSC class then visited the Queen Elizabeth Barracks Officers Mess and was welcomed by Director of Human Resources and Management (DHRM) Colonel (Col) Litea Seruiratu and Chief of Navy Captain (Navy) Humphrey Tawake. The visiting class consisted of officers from the Australian Defence Forces, British Army, New Zealand Defence Forces, Indian Armed Forces and Indonesian Armed Forces. Also part of the class was senior ranking officials from the Australian Civil Service, the Australian Federal Police and the Ministry of Defence of Papua New Guinea.
The purpose of the DSSC Visit was to gather insight into the governance of Fiji with keen interest on economic Growth, development strategies, projection of infrastructure development and Fijiβs International relations.
Later on to their tour, the DSSC class visited Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence and National Security, Ministry of Economy and The Fiji Police Force.