April 26, 2023
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May 2, 2023Saturday, April 29, marks a significant date in the Solomon Islands as the members of Taskforce Cori Mada 2 (TFCM2) with the present of the Fijian Community witness the unveiling of their newly constructed residential base camp.
The base camp, which was named Navuakece, has links to the Province of Naitasiri in the highlands which was named after the heritage of Contingent Commander Lieutenant-Colonel Toanikeve. The unveiling custom in the institution involves naming certain bases and camps to tribal or heritage names of leaders to acknowledge their leadership and guidance.
During the unveiling of the new base camp, Lt-Col Toanikeve thanked all troops of TaskForce Corimada 2 (TFCM 2) for the effort given during the mission and also acknowledged the support rendered by the Solomon Islands Fiji Community for their never-ending support. Lt-Col Toanikeve also stated that their support has made his work much easier in the Solomon Islands and dedicated the special occasion to them.
TFCM 2 and the Fijian Community later enjoyed the unveiling with refreshments provided by everyone and later hosted by TFCM2 that evening with BBQ and a Kava ceremony.