December 20, 2019
December 23, 2019A kindly donation was presented to the Fiji Cancer Society (FCS) by the Director of Human Resources Colonel (COL) Litea Seruratu who is delivering the donation on behalf of the Commander Republic of Fiji Military Force (CRFMF) and RFMF officer’s man and woman corp during their Christmas party that held at the Grand Pacific Hotel on Friday night December 20, 2019.
COL Seruiratu on her opening addressed said she thanked all who are present.
“I would like to thank the President of the Mess Committee (PMC) and the organizing staff that help organize the event and all RFMF officers’ men, women and a warm special welcome to the spouses and family friends that are present”
“I would like to acknowledge the presence of two very important people that are here with us, there is the staff from the FCS, according to the Ministry of Health most 40 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. The prostate cancer is the second most type of cancer affecting men here in Fiji and it can be prevented during on early detection, our RFMF hospital GMC has the capability to detect prostate cancer through blood test, ultrasound scan and other specialize test. ”COL Seruiratu said.
“Early detection of cancer is a life’s saving and late detection kills with our culture many men are nervous for screening and testing, however, we must overcome this fear and denial. So far within the RFMF, we had two deaths related to prostate cancer, let’s break the culture bearer by going for early detection and screening on this note I welcome the represented of the FCS to receive a small donation from the RFMF officers Corp and families for continues support in a matter of prostate cancer. “COL Seruiratu concluded.
Staff from the FCS Grace Tuvakasiga who is part of their communication team said she was thankful and overwhelmed by the support from the RFMF officers for the generous donation with funds received. It would assist their prostate cancer patients through transportation, medication, medical oxygen and a lot of other staffs for the patients and family.
In addition, RFMF officers was reminded by COL Seruiratu, that during the festive season and Cyclone season all are to be mindful to be ready for recall if the need arises and be back to respective units when a call out is given out .